The world of upscale real estate has seen increased competition in recent years, but few markets can rival New York City. The American metropolis has seen a slew of high end residential developments breaking ground in recent years, with prestigious locations such as...
In 1933 Roosevelt’s New Deal created housing programs designed to remedy a housing shortage. These programs created exclusively white suburban communities, excluding people of color and pushing them to urban housing projects. This segregation was worsened in...
As a highly active and iconic market, New York is one of the strongest and busiest real estate locations in the country; this is no secret, given its many alluring characteristics to tenants and property owners alike. Still, however, the market’s reputation has not...
Though the Bronx has suffered in the real estate game from abandonment and unused lots, that reality has been changing in recent years. With new incentives and public demand, buildings that sat empty and unused have now been replaced with constructions that are...
In the past century, the New York City real estate market has seen significant fluctuation. With the emergence of apartment complexes, new legislation, and financial disrepair, the market was forced to adapt to demands and challenges over time. 1910s With the dawning...